NuEra Tight

Crepey or saggy skin is thin and looks finely wrinkled like crepe paper. It may also sag or feel loose. While crepey skin is similar to common wrinkles in many ways, the condition tends to impact larger areas, and this skin feels noticeably more fragile and thin. Crepey skin is most common under the eyes and on the upper inner arms. NuEra Tight is the latest RF technology to specifically treat sagging and creepy skin.

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NuEra Tight is a temperature-controlled radio frequency (RF) skin smoothing system with the power to redefine the future. The power to target and revive, to uplift and to perfect all over. NuEra tight is a non-invasive RF solution to improve the appearance of cellulite and skin laxity, with consistent results and without downtime. NuEra tight emits powerful RF waves at 470kHz with high 250W power, to heat the skin’s surface superficially or reach deeper tissue levels. By using the precise frequency and depth of heat, you can treat a variety of conditions with different levels of severity and on different areas of the body and face. NuEra tight optimizes treatment efficacy on the abdomen, flanks, buttocks, inner and outer thighs, upper arms, bra and back fat, as well as around the eyes, mouth, cheeks and neck.